Apache Kafka Plugin
The plugin enables us to reliably and efficiently stream large amounts of data/logs onto HBase using the Phoenix API.
Apache Kafka™ is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design.
So, at a high level, producers send messages over the network to the Kafka cluster which in turn serves them up to consumers like this:
We are providing PhoenixConsumer to recieves the messages from Kafka Producer.
- Phoenix 4.10.0+
- Kafka
Installation & Setup:
Use our binary artifacts for Phoenix 4.10.0+ directly or download and build Phoenix yourself (see instructions here)
Phoenix Consumer for RegexEventSerializer Example:
Create a kafka-consumer-regex.properties file with below properties
serializer=regex serializer.rowkeyType=uuid serializer.regex=([^\,]*),([^\,]*),([^\,]*) serializer.columns=c1,c2,c3 jdbcUrl=jdbc:phoenix:localhost table=SAMPLE1 ddl=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SAMPLE1(uid VARCHAR NOT NULL,c1 VARCHAR,c2 VARCHAR,c3 VARCHAR CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(uid)) bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 topics=topic1,topic2 poll.timeout.ms=100
Phoenix Consumer for JsonEventSerializer Example:
Create a kafka-consumer-json.properties file with below properties
serializer=json serializer.rowkeyType=uuid serializer.columns=c1,c2,c3 jdbcUrl=jdbc:phoenix:localhost table=SAMPLE2 ddl=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SAMPLE2(uid VARCHAR NOT NULL,c1 VARCHAR,c2 VARCHAR,c3 VARCHAR CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY(uid)) bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 topics=topic1,topic2 poll.timeout.ms=100
Phoenix Consumer Execution Procedure:
Start the Kakfa Producer then send some messages
> bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic topic1
Learn more about Apache Kafka here
Start the PhoenixConsumer using below command
HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$(hbase classpath):/path/to/hbase/conf hadoop jar phoenix-kafka-<version>-minimal.jar org.apache.phoenix.kafka.consumer.PhoenixConsumerTool --file /data/kafka-consumer.properties
The input file must be present on HDFS (not the local filesystem where the command is being run).
Property Name | Default | Description |
bootstrap.servers | List of Kafka servers used to bootstrap connections to Kafka. This list should be in the form host1:port1,host2:port2,… | |
topics | List of topics to use as input for this connector. This list should be in the form topic1,topic2,… | |
poll.timeout.ms | 100 | Default poll timeout in millisec |
batchSize | 100 | Default number of events per transaction |
zookeeperQuorum | Zookeeper quorum of the HBase cluster | |
table | The name of the table in HBase to write to. | |
ddl | The CREATE TABLE query for the HBase table where the events will be upserted to. If specified, the query will be executed. Recommended to include the IF NOT EXISTS clause in the ddl. | |
serializer | Event serializers for processing the Kafka Message.This Plugin supports all Phoenix Flume Event Serializers. Like regex, json | |
serializer.regex | (.*) | The regular expression for parsing the message. |
serializer.columns | The columns that will be extracted from the Flume event for inserting into HBase. | |
serializer.headers | Headers of the Flume Events that go as part of the UPSERT query. The data type for these columns are VARCHAR by default. | |
serializer.rowkeyType | A custom row key generator . Can be one of timestamp,date,uuid,random and nanotimestamp. This should be configured in cases where we need a custom row key value to be auto generated and set for the primary key column. |
Note: This Plugin supports all Phoenix Flume Event Serializers.
RegexEventSerializer which primarily breaks the Kafka Message based on the regex specified in the configuration file.
JsonEventSerializer which primarily breaks the Kafka Message based on the schema specified in the configuration file.